Yelena Ivanova Person-Info 

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Reuters Pictures - RUSSIA-PEASANTS/
RUSSIA-PEASANTS/ - RTR1NA0Y To match feature RUSSIA-PEASANTS/ Yelena Ivanova, 77, stands in her house in the village of Zimnitsy, about

Wartime sweethearts sent to the gulag for falling in love | The...
Russian women who fell in love with British sailors from the Arctic convoys bringing aid to the Soviet Union during World War Two were later accused of...

Pushing trucks to the absolute limit - › group › home › newsroom › news
How the Scania Global Champion Trainee Program kick-started Yelena's career. Yelena Ivanova was looking for a trainee scheme that would kick-start her ...

Reuters Pictures - RUSSIA
RUSSIA - RTR1IQNG Ivanova chops wood in front of her house in the village of Zimnitsy Yelena Ivanova, 77, chops wood in front of her dilapidated house in the ...
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