Yellow House Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yellow House)


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Festival organizers expecting another Affair to remember
[Sun-Sentinel] - "It was on Federal Highway, where I spotted this yellow house with porches and gardens and hanging baskets overflowing with fuchsia and pink nasturtiums.

Man in court after shooting in Hokitika
[Waikato Times] - By GILES BROWN and IAN STEWARD - The Press SHOOTING: The yellow house on the left is the focus of a police investigation into the death of two people in

Google News: Top prize for Polish film at Taiwan's children's film festival

[Earthtimes (press release)] - Nicolas & Guilllemette (France), How I Am (Italy) and The Yellow House - The Flower Queen (Denmark) received Best Animation, Best Documentary and Best TV

[中央廣播電台] 拿下最佳紀錄片、丹麥的「娃娃看世界--花朵女王」摘下最佳電視節目(The Yellow House-The Flower Queen Blomsterdronningen);評審團特別獎則頒給了「音樂人生」。
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