Yellow Shark Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yellow Shark)


(1 - 4 von 13
) Dirigent der Stühle - DER SPIEGEL

Auf dem Boden liegen 20 Tüten mit Kartoffelchips, die als Knister-Instrumente dienen, ein Alphorn blockiert den Gehweg in der Mitte des Probenraumes, Dutzende...

Frank Zappa's Yellow Shark, Roundhouse, review
Performances of Zappa's musical influences and remixes of his classic tracks were a treat for fans. Rating: * * *

Music: Music from the Yellow Shark, Frank Zappa / Ensemble Modern...
The late Frank was sadly unable to appear for this ultimate valediction of his role as a serious composer, but if he had, he would, you think, have taken...

Frank Zappa – The Yellow Shark Philadelphia Premiere - EVENT | The...
Orchestra will present the Philadelphia premiere of the genre-defying composition The Yellow Shark, by maverick American composer and rock guitarist Frank...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Yellow Shark
Frank Zappa
Vorname "Yellow" (65)
Name "Shark" (61)
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