Your Father Person-Info 

( Ich bin Your Father)


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Statt … and the City-Revival: "S…ha" im How I Met ...

· In "How I Met Your Father" stürzt sich eine neue Freundesgruppe um Hauptfigur Sophie (Duff), Jesse (Chris Lowell) und Valentina (Francia … SPIEGEL Interview with easyJet's Haji-Ioannou: "I Don't Need Status...

A self-confessed 'serial entrepreneur' easyJet's founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou talks about the future of low-cost tourism, the art of successful failures and...

Hilary Duff to star in 'How I Met Your Father' sitcom › › hilary-duff-to-star-in-ho...
· Called “How I Met Your Father,” the show will follow Sophie (Duff, 33) reminiscing to her son about how she met his father and recounting ...

"How I Met Your Father" in Arbeit: Neuer Versuch für Spin-off zu "How... : endete die Erfolgs-Sitcom „How I Met Your Mother“ auf CBS, eine Ablegerserie sollte kommen – doch daraus wurde nichts. Nun wagen die...
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