Yvonne Quick Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yvonne Quick)


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The Northern Lights (and other delights) - The Globe and Mail

The Japanese flock to what many Canadians miss: superior seafood, an incredible light show and sunsets that leave you speechless

Yvonne Quick Wins Yellowknife Heritage Award | Yellowknife...

February 8 to 12th is Heritage Week in Yellowknife and Yvonne Quick will be receiving a Heritage Award at this open house. Yvonne is well ...

William und Kate in heikler Mission - Panorama - Nachrichten -...

Yvonne Quick erinnert sich noch genau an den Tag, als die Königin in die Tundra kam. Quick kichert. „Die Queen und Prinz Philip haben bestimmt gedacht: Wo sind...

'Midnight Sun Fly In' this weekend - My True North Now

President of the Midnight Sun Association, Yvonne Quick, says that this weekend will only be matched by the original: “We've only ever had as many as 32 and that was back during the original Fly In. Things have changed a little since then.” Yvonne has been a member of the original committee since the ...
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