Zoé Roth Person-Info 

( Ich bin Zoé Roth)


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Los mejores memes de la década

Estos fueron los diez mejores memes a lo largo de estos 10 años

'Disaster Girl' selling original photo behind viral meme - New York Postnypost.com › › disaster-girl-selling-orig...

· “I'm a part of history,” said Zoe Roth, now 21, who first ignited the World Wide Web at 4 years old after she was photographed smirking ...

Disaster Girl: Wie sich Meme-Ikone Zoe Roth ihre Freiheit erkauftewww.basicthinking.de › blog › › disaster-girl-nft

· Als "Disaster Girl" erlangte Zoe Roth im Internet weltweite Bekanntheit. Jetzt hat die 21-Jährige die Originaldatei ihres Memes als NFT ...

Guardian: Woman in Disaster Girl meme sells original photo as NFT for ...www.theguardian.com › technology › apr › disaster...

· Zoë Roth says she plans to use proceeds from sale of image of her smirking in front of burning house to pay student loans.
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