Zoltan Olah Person-Info 

( Ich bin Zoltan Olah)


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Taz: Die Ausreise war noch das geringste Übel - taz.de

■ Ausländische Journalisten werden von serbischer Armee und Polizei drangsaliert

Kolumne: Christliches Europa? | Die Tagespost

Mein Freund Zoltan Olah, Professor für Altes Testament am Priesterseminar in Karlsburg, hat einen Lieblingsbegriff: In jedem dritten Satz sagt ...

Les Lundis d'Hortense - Le site - Gabor Bolla Quartet

Gabor Bolla (tenor sax) Robert Lakatos (piano) Zoltan Olah (bass) Andras Mohay (drums) The Village is happy to present an international newcomer, a very special ...

Christian fraternity is the 'goal,' says Hungarian priest - Our...

Father Zoltan Olah: It was great news. It made us all ecstatic! Csíksomlyó is a holy place for us, where pilgrims have been praying even during ...
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