Zulfiqar Ali Abro und Pakistan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Zulfiqar Ali Abro)
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Sohai Ali Abro's Motorcycle Girl gets a release date - Film & TV -...

The release date for Zenith Irfan's biopic starring Sohai Ali Abro has finally been revealed. Motorcycle Girl will be released in cinemas across Pakistan on 20 April this year. The movie is writer/director Adnan Sarwar's second feature film after the biopic Shah, based on the story of Pakistani Olympian ...

Sohai Ali Abro on ‘Motocycle Girl’ high | Pakistani Cinema – Gulf News

Based on the true story of Zenith Irfan, 23, the film fictionalises a few things here and there but largely stays faithful to the real account

Sohai Ali Abro - BBCwww.bbc.co.uk › ... › Actor Sohai Ali Abro

Pakistani actress and model Sohai Ali Abro speaks to Wax about her new release Motorcycle Girl and what the film means for Pakistani Cinema.

Pakistan isolated because it gives freedom to non-state actors,...

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