Abdul Gofur Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdul Gofur)


(1 - 4 von 10

Insurance fraud taxi driver admits contempt of court - BBC News

A taxi driver pleads guilty at the High Court to contempt of court after falsely claiming he had been forced into early retirement by an accident.

Black cab driver faces prosecution for false retirement claim

A London black cab driver is to be prosecuted for contempt of court after falsely claiming that he had been forced into early retirement by an accident.

Asians cleared of revenge attack on armed white youth: The decision...

THREE Asians were cleared yesterday of taking the law into their own hands when confronted by a gang of racist youths in north London.

Abdul Gofur Sebut M Sarip Ikut Jamaah Ba'asyir

Abdul Gofur menyakini foto pelaku bom bunuh diri di Masjid Ad Dzikra, Cirebon yang dirilis Polri adalah putranya M Sarip. Gofur menyebut putranya pernah ikut...
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