Adi Safri Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adi Safri)


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Opposition's plans to cancel China contracts 'crazy and irrational', says ...
(Pix by ADI SAFRI). "Just imagine, China is a large trading nation, which means that Malaysia has a trading partner with a trade value of over ...

Adi Safri | Reuters
A man stands in front of a slaughtered cow during Eid-ul-Adha in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 16, Your View/Adi Safri › plastic-danger-eating-fish-2...Plastic danger in eating fish - Yahoo News Singapore
NSTP/ Adi Safri. Experts said waste dumped into the sea would return to land, and this affected other ecosystems. Marine pollution also posed ...

The Rare Tradition - Asian Geographic Magazines
· Text & Photos by Adi Safri. Coffee in Malaysia has its origins in the state of Perak, and more specifically, its capital Ipoh.
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Vorname "Adi" (2626)
Name "Safri" (13)
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