Ahmed Shafik Said Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ahmed Shafik Said)


(1 - 4 von 18

Egypt poll is a ‘farce and fix’ | The Times

Ahmed Shafik, the former general who was the runner-up in Egypt’s most recent presidential election has denounced the forthcoming poll

The City of London faces more than ‘a few bad apples’ - FT.com

The scandals buffeting the financial markets are not down to a “few bad apples” and authorities are ready to impose more regulation on the sector to regain...

Egypt ruling party leadership resigns - latimes

The leadership of Egypt's ruling party resigned Saturday, a purge that would have been beyond Egyptians' imaginations a few short weeks ago but was unlikely to...

Muslim Brotherhood's reign in Egypt will end within a week: ex-PM |...

The reign of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, political home of struggling President Mohamed Mursi, will end within a week, former Egyptian prime minister Ahmed...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ahmed Shafik Said
Ahmed Said
Ahmed Shafik
Vorname "Ahmed" (6928)
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