Alan Ahmed Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alan Ahmed)


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14 Yaşındaki Ahmed Mohamed, Beyaz Saray'a ve Facebook'a Davet Edildi...
14 Yaşındaki Ahmed Mohamed, Beyaz Saray'a ve Facebook'a Davet Edildi Evde yaptığı saati 'bomba' sananlar olmuştu.

International air ban over Iraqi Kurdistan comes into effect | Reuters
Hassan Mohammad, from Rania province near Sulaimaniya, came for his 19-year-old nephew, Alan Ahmed. “He wanted to get to Europe to ...

Kurdish referendum: Iraqi forces to take control of borders, flight...
Iraq's military prepares to take control of the international borders of its northern Kurdish region, as the central government in Baghdad steps up moves to...

Finnland [U15]
Kader Freundschaft. Alan Ahmed · Melvin Dahlbom · Eeli Kiiskilä · Joshua Tala · Hugo Taumberger. Torhüter. Maximilian Aerts · Niilo Husu · Jone Tarkanmäki.
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