Name-Verzeichnis - Name / Person-Info zu "Albarran"

Infos zu "Albarran"

Zu Albarran gibt es bei Yasni 59 unterschiedliche Namen.

Albarran ist in der Rangreihe der häufigsten Nachnamen bei Yasni auf Platz 2369.

Bedeutung von "Albarran"

The origin of name Albarran is Arab and it should be written al-Barran but when the al-Barran's went to Spain the name changed to Albarran. In Spain it is said that the meaning is strangers which in part they have a reason because the al-Barran's weren't Spaniards. The meaning of the name is: the Warrior (al = the and Barran = Warrior or man with the sword).

(Eingesendet von Wil Albarran)

Wichtige Personen: Heute - Übersicht / Namen: Heute - Übersicht