Ali Abdirahman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ali Abdirahman)


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Native sons return to lead nation - The Globe and Mail
The Globe and Mail offers the most authoritative news in Canada, featuring national and international news

10 die as new Somali army chief escapes car bombing - Newspaper -...
Security official Ali Abdirahman confirmed that the army chief and other senior military leaders who had been in the convoy were unhurt.

best_people - The Boston Globe
laugh, or made a difference. Abdillah Ali Abdirahman.

Suomi käännytti somalimiehen – ammuttiin kuoliaaksi Mogadishussa
Osman Ali Abdirahmanin veljen mukaan surman takana on …istijärjestö Al-Shabaab, jota Abdirahman alun perin pakeni.
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