Ali Ebrahim Yazdi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ali Ebrahim Yazdi)


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Iranian-Americans suffer a jumble of emotions -
In the pre-dawn darkness Saturday, long after her parents and brother were asleep, Atefeh Yazdi lay in bed cradling the house phone and her cell phone in her...

Taz: Die harte Hand des iranischen Staates: Reformbewegung hinter Gittern...

Die Proteste in Teheran dauern an, der Staat schlägt hart zurück. Fast die gesamte Führung der Reformbewegung und viele Journalisten sind inzwischen im...

Hundreds attend funeral of Iranian dissident politician | The Seattle...
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Hundreds of Iranians attended the funeral Thursday of Ebrahim Yazdi, one of the country's most influential dissident politicians and a former foreign minister. Yazdi was a...

Ebrahim Yazdi | Register | The Times
In the run-up to the Iranian revolution few men were as close to its leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, as Ebrahim Yazdi.It was Yazdi who persuaded the exiled
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ali Ebrahim Yazdi
Vorname "Ebrahim" (244)
Name "Yazdi" (74)
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