Ali H. Al-Awami Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ali H. Al-Awami)


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Ali al-Nimr's crucifixion 'at any moment,' father says | CNN
The father of Ali al-Nimr, sentenced to crucifixion for alleged crimes in connection with Arab Spring protests as a teen. says he could be executed at any...

Bekannter Augendoktor gründet Behandlungszentrum in Pölbitz | Radio...
Bekannter Augendoktor gründet Behandlungszentrum in Pölbitz > Der frühere Chefarzt der Augenklinik im HBK, Ali Al-Assad, lässt sich in Pölbitz...

Pope Francis Encyclical on Climate Change Cites Ali-al-Khawas | Time
Friends of Pope Francis aren't surprised that he cited a Muslim mystical poet from the ninth century in his encyclical on climate change.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ali H. Al-Awami
Vorname "Ali" (23262)
Name "al-Awami" (30)
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