Ali Sala Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ali Sala)


(1 - 4 von 6

A year after Sandy, New York's Rockaway surfers ride on | Reuters
Wyatt Earp was first into the water, followed by Captain America, the Statue of Liberty, a nun and a gorilla. As the surf barreled in, Superman, Beetlejuice...

Zašto nije osposobljena balon sala u Istočnom Sarajevu? | Katera
Zahvaljujući inicijativi sada već bivšeg direktora Srednje škole „28. juni” iz Istočnog Novog Sarajeva, gospođe Mlađenke Pandurević, pronađeno je rješenje za...

Sectarian violence failed to force Sunnis from land - News - Stripes
BAGHDAD — The men of the Ugaidat tribe were not going down, not without a fight.

Dissent on the ranks
Faced with a ‘closed shop’ at some Dublin taxi ranks, many foreign-national drivers view exclusionary behaviour as racism
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