Alicia Bohner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alicia Bohner)


Springfield News-Leader
Alicia Bohner of Kimberling City wrote Mansfield and said she wanted to help. She traveled to the Springfield march with a completed quilt and ...

Schießerei in Köln - Channel 45 News
Dabei wurde ein 12 jähriges Mädchen namens Alicia Bohner erschossen. Die Täter sind noch auf freiem Fuß. Die Polizei sucht weiterhin nach Spuren…

The Tennessean
Alicia Bohner of Kimberling City wrote Mansfield and said she wanted to help. She traveled to the Springfield march with a completed quilt and asked people to sign the front and back. Between the two quilts, there is likely more than 1,000 signatures. One quilt measured about 6.5 feet by 7.5 feet, and the ...
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Person "Bohner" (3)
Vorname "Alicia" (5838)
Name "Bohner" (375)
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