Allison Schumm Person-Info 

( Ich bin Allison Schumm)


(1 - 4 von 14

Kansas lawmaker seeks end of privatized foster care system -...
A Republican Kansas lawmaker is calling for an end to the state's first-in-the-nation privatized foster care system, as it nears its 20th anniversary with...

Kansas councilman Jonathan Schumm, wife Allison Schumm, accused of...
Jonathan and Allison Schumm are accused of abusing five of their 16 children, 12 of whom are adopted

Councilman and Wife Arrested for Allegedly Abusing 5 of the
A Kansas politician and his wife who were previously awarded for their efforts as adoptive parents were arrested and charged for abusing five of the

Kansas lawmaker seeks end of privatized foster care system | Shawnee...
Kiegerl prepared his report before the couple, Jonathan and Allison Schumm, were arrested. The report notes that the state spends about $283 million every ...
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