Amelia Ferreira Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amelia Ferreira)


(1 - 4 von 7

Alibi for hiding ex-Patriot's dead dog: I was framing my husband
— Dog trainer Amelia Ferreira, charged last week with obstruction in lying to police during the search for Mayo's 5-year-old English bulldog, ... ›

Maria Amélia Ferreira é a primeira mulher a liderar Faculdade de...
Em 189 anos de história, nenhuma mulher tinha sido eleita para dirigir a instituição.

Remains of Jerod Mayo's English bulldog found in Cranston
— Amelia Ferreira and Knox was found in the home of Amelia Ferreira, of 117 Smith St., a trainer who had custody of Knox when he died. › news ›

Maria Amélia Ferreira: ″Pais já perguntam se o filho terá emprego...
Entrevista à diretora da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto
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