Amelia Lopez Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amelia Lopez)


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Google News: Entrega de credenciales a vecinos extranjeros

[Concordia Hoy] - Caballero, Marcelo Ferreira. Armoa, Claudina. Cabrera Mila, Leonel. Pereira Amaro, Ramona Magdalena. Rodríguez Fajar, José María Pereira. Amaro, Teresita.

Best senior site
[Hindu] - Butisingh, who was born in British Guyana, succeeded Maria Amelia Lopez Solino as the oldest blogger on the web after the 97-year old Spanish great

Google News: En la línea de salida para trabajar

[Las Provincias] - En el caso de Bancaja, Amelia Giner y José R. López, responsables de selección, señalan que dada la amplia red de oficinas con las que cuenta

World`s Oldest Blogger Is Guyanese
[CARIBWORLDNEWS.COM] - Randall Butisingh, a Florida resident, succeeded Maria Amelia Lopez Solino as the oldest blogger on the web after the 97-year old Spanish great grandmother
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