Andrés Matzen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andrés Matzen)


Récord de compra de deuda soberana de la banca española en enero -...
... pero los niveles todavía débiles indican una modesta expansión del crédito en la Eurozona", explicó Andres Matzen, analista de Nordea.

ECB wall of cash averts credit crunch - Yahoo News UK
... and that's fully in line with what we'd expect after the severe credit crunch at the end of last year," said Andres Matzen, analyst at Nordea.

ECB wall of cash averts credit crunch | Reuters
The euro zone avoided a credit crunch in January but banks showed scant sign of lending on the funds they snapped up at the European Central Bank's first...

ECB cash wall averts credit crunch | Fin24
The eurozone avoided a credit crunch in January, but banks showed scant sign of lending on funds they snapped up at the central bank's first 3-year lending...
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