Andrea Ferrari Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andrea Ferrari)


(1 - 4 von 50
) Graphen-Transistor aus dem Drucker | heise online

Wissenschaftler der University of Cambridge haben mit einem Tintenstrahldrucker erstmals Transistoren aus Graphen hergestellt. Der Werkstoff gilt als...

Graphene technology moves closer - BBC News
IBM's latest development of an integrated broadband frequency circuit using a graphene transistor surprised many - even the physicist behind the...

Andrea Ferrari - Sportwereld
Alle info over Andrea Ferrari . Alle uitslagen van het seizoen, foto's, video's en artikels.

Guardian: Five wonder materials that could change the world | Science | The...

Ian Sample: Materials such as graphene and shrilk are so new that the scientists who discovered them hardly know what to do with them – they only know they...
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