Andy Pedersen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andy Pedersen)


(1 - 4 von 18

Losing a brother, finding forgiveness | The Seattle Times
Andy Pedersen, Ron Jelaco and I are sitting in a Seattle pub after returning from Moscow, Idaho, for an all-1970s reunion of Phi Gamma Delta ...

In Wisconsin case headed to Supreme Court, huge implications for...
The case, to be heard in October, sets the stage for historic changes to a bedrock political process and the balance of power in state capitals.

1,000 sign petition to save No. 20 Thamesdown bus service | Swindon...
A STRATTON resident has gathered more than 1,000 signatures from people opposing the scrapping of the Number 20 bus service.

Who benefits from income-splitting? | The Star
Ottawa residents Andy Pedersen and his wife, Mary, deliberately did not claim the income splitting benefit when they filed their taxes in June.
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Name "Pedersen" (11556)
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