Angelica Mae Lim Person-Info 

( Ich bin Angelica Mae Lim)


(1 - 4 von 17
) Roboter-Studie: Wer fasst einem Roboter schon gern an den Hintern? -...

Laut einer Studie berühren Menschen humanoide Roboter ungern in

Bringing home a robot baby - BBC News
Roboticist Angelica Lim programmes robots to be more human - what happened when she brought one home?

TedxKL Human Roboticist Speaker Wonders: “What If ...
As a run-up to the event, we present an exclusive interview with Dr. Angelica Lim – a roboticist (yes there is such a word) beauty with brains ...

Dr. Angelica Lim, Vancouver, Canada - @petitegeek on Twitter -...
See where Dr. Angelica Lim, Vancouver, Canada - @petitegeek is trending on Twitter across the globe
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Person "Lim" (2)
Vorname "Mae" (784)
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