Angie Collins Person-Info 

( Ich bin Angie Collins)


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Woman finds $30K engagement ring diamond in her dog's poop -
Angie Collins sifted through dog poop for three days to recover the $30K diamond her German Shepherd swallowed before spitting out her engagement ring.

Angie COLLINS - Swindon Advertiser
Collins Née Belcher Angie Loving Wife, Mother, Nan, Sister and Aunty. Friend to all. Always on our minds, forever in our hearts. Love and miss you…

Dog swallows diamond from £18,000 heirloom ring - BBC News
A woman has the diamond from her ring swallowed by a trainee police dog she is looking after - but recovers it two days later, on Christmas Day.

Guardian: Sperm bank sued as case of mentally ill donor's history unfolds |...

Three families file lawsuit in Canada alleging that the donor’s sperm was used for as many as 36 children in Canada, the United States and Britain
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