Angie Diefenbach Person-Info 

( Ich bin Angie Diefenbach)


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Volcanoes: 18 U.S. volcanoes a high threat; Kilauea most ...The Arizona Republic
— ... highest number of people in the downstream hazard zone," about 300,000 people, said USGS geologist Angie Diefenbach, a report co-author.

2019 GalleryUniversity of Hawaii at Hilo
After learning how drones are used to photograph landforms, the group rests near a tree mold, with Angie Diefenbach. Scientists look at sieves on tephra ...

Volcanic eruptions worksheet answer
USGS geologist Angie Diefenbach uses a digital camera and computer software to understand the growth rate of lava domes during a volcanic eruption.

Burst their balloon, GeoGirls will find a workaroundThe Columbian
— “Programs like this are really eye-opening” for young women, said Angie Diefenbach, a U.S. Geological Survey geologist stationed at the ...
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