Anke Kniffka Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anke Kniffka)


CM SAF Week 2012EUMeTrain
Operational Products on Clouds and Radiation - Anke Kniffka, DWD. In addition to the climate datasets covering time periods of 2 decades or more, CM SAF also ...

DPT Programm
Anke Kniffka: Modifikation eines dreidimensionalen numerischen Strömungs- und Ausbreitungsmodells angewandt in mikroskaligen Gebieten der Atmosphäre: : Mittagspause: N3: : Virginia Trimble: The Universe of Stars and Galaxies: The work of Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin and Beatrice M. Tinsley: N3: : Cornelia Denz

Fink & Anke Kniffka. Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research. Peter Knippertz et al. – Air pollution and rainfall in southern West Africa. The DACCIWA ...
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