Ann Eriksen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ann Eriksen)


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Dundee University to tackle hepatitis in Tayside drug users - BBC News
A £2.2m project to help tackle the spread of hepatitis among people in Tayside who inject drugs is launched by Dundee University. Klare med samiske nasjonale prøver – NRK Sápmi - samiske nyheter,...

Denne høsten skal endelig samiske elever gjennomføre nasjonale leseprøver på samisk på lik linje som andre norske barn.

iSociety: are teenagers getting pregnant always such a problem? |...
The opening evidence session at Holyrood revealed that MSPs decided to focus on the topic because of the 'failure' of existing efforts to tackle the…

BMA Medfash Award for HIV Scotland - nominated by Ingrid Young | The...
Key partner receives award for work in the community.
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