Ann Veit Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ann Veit)


(1 - 4 von 5

Pensioner finally quits smoking -
A pensioner has finally kicked her 50-year-long smoking habit - after lighting up 750,000 cigarettes. Epleslang lønner seg – NRK Møre og Romsdal – Lokale nyheter, TV og...

Det surklar og klunkar, sirklar og renn når 600 kilo eple blir pressa og omgjort til gulbrun, gyllen saft. Ein særs vellukka epleslang ligg bak.

Axminster Surgery getting a shot in the arm | Honiton, Axminster and...
Work on extending Axminster Medical Practice is well under way and officials say the inevitable disruption is being kept to ‘an absolute minimum’.

News Feed
Jo Ann Veit, a member of the Town of Huntington Wolf Hill Seniors Club and the St. Elizabeth's Seniors Club and Widows and Widowers Club.
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