Ann Williams Person-Info 

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Fund-raising plant sale being held in Charford
[Bromsgrove Advertiser] - Ann Williams, activity co-ordinator at the court, said: “Residents have been busy getting the plants ready for sale and are hoping to raise as much money as possible to enhance the outdoor areas for all of them to use and enjoy.”

Anniversary gift is an oil derrick
[Shreveport Times] - The Williamses' children are Lacy Holmes Williams II and wife Michelle, of Houston; Evelyn Ann Williams, at the event with Carl House, of Austin, Texas; Shreveporters Claude Allen Williams and wife Amy; and Claire Broyles Williams.

Second language has long-term benefits
[The Age] - Mary-Ann Williams is on to something. Children speaking another language within three months of starting school, how inspiring! When two-thirds of the world's population is bilingual, here's hoping we catch up with the rest of the world.

Google News: Marjorie Louise Robison

[St. George Daily Spectrum] - Marjorie is also survived by her son, Craig (Beverly) Robison of Cody, Wyo., and daughter Cheryl Ann Williams of Beaver Dam, Ariz. Additionally, Marjorie had the opportunity to enjoy and nurture seven grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.
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