Anne During Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anne During)


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Work on Cedar Swamp Creek area could be complete soon
[ENC Today] - Ed and Ruth Anne Coblentz live on Roberts Road adjacent to the project and were pleased to hear the project could be finished sooner rather than later.

Google News: Local troupes and troupers all improved on stage during 2009

[Appeal-Democrat] - Elizabeth Halvorsen and John Trent delivered strong performances as Daisy Miller and Dr. Heinrich Mueller, respectively. Trent is also a prize-winning

Anne Keothavong is planning Fed Cup return
[This is London] - The 26-year-old damaged knee ligaments during a doubles match in the US in July and was today named in a fourstrong team alongside Elena Baltacha

Anne Kirkbride memorial: The full readings delivered during the...
A number of readings were delivered as part of the service and here you can read what was said inside Manchester Cathedral during the 75 minute memorial
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