Anne Tanner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anne Tanner)


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Obituary for Mary Anne Tanner, North Little Rock, ARThe Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
— Mary Anne Tanner, of North Little Rock, Ark., age 87, passed away on April 7, She is survived by her son, David Tanner (Cecelia ...

sally anne tanner
Death notices, family announcements, obituaries, acknowledgements and in memoriam in and around Newport from South Wales Argus.

Guardian: Labour has lost its roots | Anne Tanner | The Guardian

Anne Tanner: Labour is no longer the party of working people. It has divided its core support with policies based on identity, not class, politics

Anne Tanner: The Brilliance of Colour | The List
Sculpted paintings hanging from wooden poles. Anne Tanner trained at the Manchester Royal College of Music as a singer, but ended up finding fame in the late...
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