April Munoz Person-Info 

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Monroe's Kylin Munoz stands tall on volleyball court - The Seattle ...www.seattletimes.com › sports › high-school › monr...

· “She doesn't like the attention,” said April Munoz, a former Washington player who also is Monroe's head coach. But her play demands it.

9th Circuit Reverses Denial Of Intervention In Los Angeles Schooling...

... Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled May 20 (Chanda Smith, et al. v. Los Angeles Unified School District, et al. v. April Munoz, et al., Nos.

Quiet Kylin Munoz makes noise for UW volleyball | The Seattle Times

Senior outside hitter Kylin Munoz is big reason Huskies will be favored as they open their 11th straight NCAA tournament Friday at home against Central...

Prep Notebook | Volleyball: Monroe's Kylin Munoz denied ...www.seattletimes.com › high-school

Monroe volleyball coach April Munoz, Kylin Munoz's mother, told The Times on Friday that the family is appealing the decision.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu April Munoz
Vorname "April" (3067)
Name "Munoz" (1429)
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