April S. Wensel Person-Info 

( Ich bin April S. Wensel)


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Code read for compassion at Glasgow's Impact Summit | HeraldScotland

A perceived lack of ethics in the tech industry will be a major talking point at the forthcoming Impact Summit

Compassionate Coding with April Wensel - Programming Leadership |...

Are you compassionate? In this episode of Programming Leadership, Marcus and his guest, April Wensel discuss compassion in technology and h.

Help April Wensel raise money Race Roster — Registration, Marketing,...

April is raising money for a great cause by participating in THE RIVETER on June 21, They need your help to reach their goal. Every donation gets them...

Preventing Burnout | Viget Newsletter

Only You Can Prevent Tech Burnout by April Wensel via Medium “As employees, we stay in unhealthy climates because we're attached to our ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu April S. Wensel
Vorname "April" (3067)
Name "Wensel" (121)
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