April Teeter Person-Info 

( Ich bin April Teeter)


Google News: Pay-as-you-drive meter poised to enter market

[Toronto Star] - But even as his invention and his company teeter on the brink of a breakthrough, Grush is pulling back. He and Skymeter no longer need each other. By April

The Johnson Pioneer November 18, 2010:  Page 2

The Johnson Pioneer Newspaper Archive Johnson Kansas; November Page 2. Topics include church, johnson, kansas, service, county, city, ulysses, son,...

The courier-gazette. (Newark, N.Y.) current, April 14, 1995,...

Thomas Pender and April Teeter, Roney Road, Wol cott, a boy, Anthony Thomas, 5 lbs. 9 oz., April 1. Jeffrey and Denice (Harlow) Fischette, East DeZeng Street, Clyde, a boy, Jordan Scott, 8 lbs., April 4. David and Jill (Flowers) Harper, Clyde- South Butler Rd., Savannah, a boy, Patrick John, 9 lbs., April 4.
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Vorname "April" (3067)
Name "Teeter" (53)
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