Arezoo Dianat Person-Info 

( Ich bin Arezoo Dianat)


First Issue of FlatChem out now! - News - FlatChem - Journal -...
FlatChem - Chemistry of Flat Materials, a new voice in the community, publishes original and significant, cutting-edge research related to the chemistry of gr…

Vinyl Monomers Move through GrapheneChemistryViews
— Tao Zhang, Zhongquan Liao, Leonardo Medrano Sandonas, Arezoo Dianat, Xiaoling Liu, Peng Xiao, Ihsan Amin, Rafael Gutierrez, Tao Chen, ... › ...

Nano and Biotechnology
Sergii Donets, Arezoo Dianat, Rafael Gutierrez, Manfred Bobeth and Gianaurelio Cuniberti Institute for Materials Science and Max Bergmann Center of ...
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