Arnold Gronert Person-Info 

( Ich bin Arnold Gronert)


Exhibition draws attention to plastic pollution - NIOZ
17. Aug · Arnold Gronert spent years beachcombing near Petten (Noord-Holland), or looking for washed up birds and marine mammals. He made an enormous contribution to the strandings dataset, kept for decades at NIOZ and at Naturalis. The spectacular amounts of plastics and rubbish he found was a daily annoyance, finally culminating in an ...

Leidsch Dagblad | 7 augustus | pagina 8 - Historische Kranten,...
Ook andere soorten trek- vlinders", denkt Arnold Gronert. De 'verse' trekkers zullen uitein delijk proberen terug te vliegen naar het zuiden, om ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Arnold Gronert
Person "Gronert" (1)
Vorname "Arnold" (7874)
Name "Gronert" (206)
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