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› art-edu

Eavesdropping plants prepare to be attacked
· But cues from damaged neighbors may not always be useful, especially for the first plant to be attacked, Orrock says. Instead he asked whether plants — here, black mustard, a common roadside weed — can use other types of cues to anticipate a threat.

Potential predation prevention: Remind cattle they are herd animals
To protect livestock from predators in Western Canada, University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers are testing whether cattle that are urged to live as a herd will protect themselves from wolves and bears. Under examination is the back-to-the-future principle that cattle will find safety by ...

What Does Arts Research Look Like at UW-Madison? – Division of the...
Arts practice as method of inquiry; Historical research through curation; Arts in science research; and Arts impact studies – all of these are examples of how...
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