Asim Afzal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Asim Afzal)


Producers Panel wins Empra polls
Karar Shah, Abul Hameed Naqeebi, Ubaid Shah, Usman Hussain, Syed Tanzeel Gillani, Mian Asim Afzal and Iram Shahzadi elected governing body members. Progressive Panel's president Rao Awais greeted the newly-elected body and assured them of full support. Senior journalists including Salim ...

Pakistan shooting coaches complete category D course
KARACHI: Pakistan got 14 rifle shooting D category coaches certified by International Olympic Committee at the end of the IOC Technical Coaching Training...

Indians serving jail terms in Qatar
Twenty-nine Indians, including ten women, are serving jail terms here after ... P K Nidan, Samay Kanan, Zubair Pathicherry, Syed Asim Afzal and Ppakti Sanjeev. ...
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