Assad Said Person-Info 

( Ich bin Assad Said)


(1 - 4 von 104
) Barack Obama Postpones Syria Attack After Russian Initiative - DER...

Potential US strikes against the Assad regime now appear to be postponed until further notice after US President Barack Obama said he was open to a Russian...

Assad tells US to leave Syria - CNN
Iraq is no exception. Syria is no exception. People will not accept foreigners in this region any more," Assad said. The Syrian president said his ...

Assad said to be in a 'good mood' amid reports strikes did not target...
The operation is being interpreted in Syria as a win for Assad because the limited scope of the strikes suggested that Western powers do not intend to...

Assad said to have fled Damascus -
The Obama administration was taking steps to head off further bloodshed and chaos as rebels were reported to have gained control of border crossings in Syria.
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