Ather Mirza Person-Info 

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Ather Mirza Photos | Images of Ather Mirza - Times of India
Check out for the latest photos of Ather Mirza along with Ather Mirza gallery, recent images of Ather Mirza at Times of India

Do students pick universities because of movies? - BBC News
— University spokesman Ather Mirza says the Bollywood connection gives Leicester an advantage in a crowded marketplace. › news › bu...

Guardian: King Richard III was a press man's dream, but the furore drew › media-network-blog › feb

Ather Mirza is a former award-winning journalist on the Leicester Mercury and is director of the University of Leicester News Centre.

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Bryan Williams können Sie unter +44-(0) erreichen (E-Mail: bw17, MEDIENANSPRECHPARTNER, Ather Mirza, ...
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