Attila Sos Person-Info 

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Internet tax plan sparks protests in Hungary - IOL
— ... paid a sky-high VAT when I bought the gadgets, computer and router,” said Attila Sos, 43, who came to the protest with his family. › news › world

Thousands of Hungarians protest against tax on Internet traffic |...
Thousands of Hungarians protested in Budapest on Sunday against a planned new tax on Internet data transfers, which they said would not only increase the tax...

Thousands protest in Budapest against internet tax
— ... paid a sky-high VAT when I bought the gadgets, computer and router," said Attila Sos, 43, who went to the protest with his family. › t...

Ungarns Parlamentschef droht mit EU-Austritt –
Ungarn will sich von der EU nichts vorschreiben lassen. Sollte Brüssel seine Macht …en, dann könnte Ungarn die Staatengemeinschaft verlassen, sagte...
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