Avital Lvova Person-Info 

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Theatre review: Angel; The March on Russia; One Day, Maybe; The...

Inspired by true events, this 60-minute monologue from Henry Naylor charts how a Kurdish teenager, Rehana (Avital Lvova), develops from ...

Games review: Morality of participation under the lens in gripping...

Henry Naylor’s Games, set in pre-war Germany, is a departure from his Arabian Nightmares series in the present-day Middle east, presented to acclaim at the...

Borders by Henry Naylor | The Studentstudentnewspaper.org › borders-by-henry-naylor

The same can be said for actress Avital Lvova. Lvova uses her whole body in each characterisation, convincingly portraying the other players in ...

Choreographer Graeme Murphy, Borders by Henry Naylor, The Magic...

Australian choreographer Graeme Murphy on 50 years with The Australian Ballet, Henry Naylor tackles the Syrian refugee crisis in Borders, The Magic Pudding –...
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