Azhar Hussain Shah Person-Info 

( Ich bin Azhar Hussain Shah)


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Police officer injured while chasing kidnappers - The
— ... Azhar Hussain Shah, they said. Police managed to arrest the two kidnappers and rescue the abducted student safely, they said. A case against ... Pakistan : Ketten des Glücks - DER SPIEGEL

· Dies sind alles meine Kinder", sagt der Koranlehrer Sayed Bashir Hussain Shah Shirazi, genannt Shah Saheb, und schaut wohlgefällig in die Runde ...

COVID-19 restrictions must be followed to avoid complete lockdown › news
vor 17 Minuten · Nasir Hussain Shah said that the use of masks is very important and everyone must wear mask.

SP made OSD, 5 cops suspended
SP made OSD, 5 cops suspended
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