Barbara Rogalla Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barbara Rogalla)


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Guardian: No waltzing in Woomera | UK news | The Guardian

As Britain offers an increasingly sour welcome to asylum seekers, Australia presents a warning of where such attitudes lead. It operates some of the most...

The World Today Archive - Ruddock under pressure after Flood › worldtoday › stories
· Well, Barbara Rogalla was the nursing sister who first blew the whistle on the system at Woomera, which allowed allegations by herself and ...

Australia Tortures Children in Camps | Scoop News
Two other figures with knowledge of the camps were more blunt: registered nurse Barbara Rogalla, who had worked for three months inside ...

Australian immigration detains Aussie flight attendant for 10mths,...
Barbara Rogalla. "Modern-day torture: Government-sponsored neglect of asylum seeker children under the Australian mandatory immigration detention regime." — Journal of South Pacific Law, Andra Jackson. "Aid sought for ill, nameless detainee" — Sydney Morning Herald, 31 January,
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