Berfin Aksoy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Berfin Aksoy)


Exhibitions as part of Refugee Week: 17th - 21st June | Bolton...
... of her own work, and is the culmination of an extended collaboration with Turkish refugee, Nesrin Bartan, and her daughter, Berfin Aksoy.

2016 GCSE AND A-LEVEL HONOUR ROLL - The Muslim NewsThe Muslim News
Berfin Aksoy, 2A, 1B; Morsal Rahimy, 1A*, 2A; Shatha Bahsoon, 2A, 1B; Yasmin Clayton, 1A*, 1A, 1B. Harris Academy Peckham – Peckham ...

İdil'de Ev Çöktü: 2 Ölü, 3 Yaralı - Haberler
İdi’de iki gündür etkili olan yağmur nedeniyle çöken çerpiç evde bulunan 2 kişi öldü, 3 kişide yaralandı.
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Person "Aksoy" (4)
Vorname "Berfin" (222)
Name "Aksoy" (1080)
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