Bernd Karl Berger Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bernd Karl Berger)


(1 - 4 von 12
) Bernd Berger - DER › Politik

· Bernd Berger, 46, deutscher Modedesigner, belohnte Klamotten-Klau. Als Werbe-Gag hatte der Schneider auf einer Plakatwand im vornehmen ...

Friedrich Karl Berger, Nazi guard, loses deportation appeal -...
A man who served as a guard at a Nazi concentration camp has lost his appeal to stop his deportation, the Justice Department announced Thursday.

Friedrich Karl Berger: US deports ex-concentration camp guard to...
· Friedrich Karl Berger: US deports ex-concentration camp guard to Germany · The US has deported a 95-year-old former guard at a Nazi concentration ...

Former Nazi camp guard arrives in Germany after removal from U.S |...
A former Nazi concentration camp guard who lived in the United States for over 60 years returned to Germany on Saturday after being expelled, a police...
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