Beth Lang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Beth Lang)


(1 - 4 von 6
) US-Grundschullehrer befürworten PCs im Unterricht | heise online

Grundschullehrer, Pädagogen und Kinderschutzexperten in den USA führen eine kontroverse Auseinandersetzung über den Einsatz von Computern in Schulen.

Amerinet Names Senior VPs to Lead Sales and Integration Strategies
Recognizing their value to the company and contributions to health care providers, Amerinet Inc. announced today that Karen Barrow, vice president of Amerinet...

Beth Lang – RPL's Local History
General, People, Sports A League of Their Own, All American Girls Professional Baseball League, Beth Lang, Beyer Stadium, Marinelli Field, ...

Talking With ... Beth Lang | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
During a summer break from teaching math and computer science at Seneca Valley High School in 1982, Beth Lang took a job at a Downtown
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