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) Me and My Pet Tiger: "Trespassers Will Be Eaten" - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Eccentric private citizens in the United States own more tigers than exist in the wild worldwide. But owning big cats can be a dangerous hobby, especially when... Tiger Attack: Circus Trainer Mauled During Dinner Show - DER SPIEGEL

An animal trainer who had raised tigers by hand was attacked and seriously injured by his own big cats on Tuesday night. The man stumbled during a performance...

Cat declawing: Once routine, procedure now draws fire as harmful –...
Conrad pioneered a surgery that mitigates or reverses declawing and tendonoctomies in tigers, lions and other big cats, and later founded the PAW Project, which galvanized the U. S. Department of Agriculture's ban on ...

Big Cats About The House: Looking after a baby jaguar was like having...
HAVING swapped tiger cubs for other big cats in his new TV series, zookeeper Giles Clark reveals why he left Oz to run a UK sanctuary for endangered animals.
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